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About UnrealIRCd
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Nick: Stskeeps or techie
E-Mail: stskeeps@unrealircd.com
Current titles:
Developer on the UnrealIRCd project since first release
Technical Admin at the ROXnet IRC network
Founder of the Free-Linking TSPre.org network
Hangs out at:
dal.net, /whois me shows something like: @#roxette @#wircd @#BeePop @#aceofbase @#dctalk @#cyberband @#gyllenetider
irc.roxnet.org, admin of irc.fyremoon.net there
Nick: codemastr
E-Mail: codemastr@unrealircd.com
Current titles:
Contributor from the very first Unreal, official developer from version 3.0
Hangs out at:
dal.net, @#wircd @#linkz @#ircdlinking @#bothotel @#antic #shiva
irc.axenet.org, you can find me in #axenet, admin of python.axenet.org there
irc.fyremoon.net, @#UnrealIRCd (try there if you need help)
Nick: DrBin
E-Mail: drbin@unrealircd.com
Current titles:
UnrealIRCd Official Developer from version 3.0
Wrote the new UnrealIRCd/32 GUI
Technical Admin on the Cyebr2k.net IRC network
Hangs out at:
irc.fyremoon.net as DrBin on #UnrealIRCd
irc.cyber2k.net as DrBin on #lobby
efnet.demon.co.uk as DrBin on ... just whois me
Nick: Mick
E-Mail: mick@unrealircd.com
ICQ: 12303089
Current titles:
UnrealIRCd beta/alpha tester
Handles Amiga port of UnrealIRCd
Hangs out at:
irc.oz.org as Mick or [Mick] on #AmigaZone
irc.fyremoon.net as Mick or [Mick] on #UnrealIRCd
irc.tspre.org as Mick on #Amiga or #DEEPF
irc.galaxynet.org as Mick or [Mick]
Nick: Sp^
E-Mail: sp@unrealircd.com
ICQ: 25295141
Current titles:
UnrealIRCd beta/alpha tester
Handles Amiga port of UnrealIRCd
Official Stskeeps annoyer
Hangs out at:
irc.fyremoon.net on #unrealircd
dal.net on #amiga & #@miga
irc.vapor.com on #amiga
The UnrealIRCd page was designed by Stskeeps . (C) Carsten Munk 2000.
Hosted at sourceforge.net - Last update Sun Jan 30 20:51:37 UTC 2000 by Stskeeps